Fractional Executive Director

I help ministry leaders take a load off their shoulders and grow their ministry by serving as a Fractional Executive Director that provides the value of a full-time director at a fraction of the cost.

If you're a dedicated ministry leader, chances are you're familiar with the overwhelming feeling that comes from managing the many demands of your ministry. You're responsible for everything- literally everything - and you're starting to feel burnt out.

You know you need some help.

You might have thought about hiring someone who can help run your ministry, like an Executive Director, but you don't have the money, and finding someone who gets both ministry and business sounds impossible. You're worried that your ministry will suffer because you lack the time and skills to run your ministry effectively.

I can help you.

I'll serve as your Executive Director on a fractional basis. Full-time benefits at a fraction of the cost.

With me on your team, you'll have the benefits of a full-time executive director without the financial strain. I work with a handful of ministries at the leadership level, and you get the benefits! I'm the person on your staff that focuses ON the ministry and not solely focused on working IN the ministry.

I'll work with you to create a custom plan that meets your needs and moves your ministry forward.

I have dedicated myself to helping ministries like yours thrive and succeed. My diverse background as a teacher, school principal, executive director of a thriving church, and national ministry consultant has given me valuable insights into the intricacies of ministry growth and the challenges leaders face.

I bring a keen mind for ministry leadership and growth and have a proven track record of success. 100% of the ministries I have worked with have grown.

With my help, you can focus on what you do best: leading your ministry. You'll have the time and resources to develop your vision, build relationships, and reach more people with the Gospel. You'll also be able to avoid making costly mistakes and missed opportunities.

If you're ready to take your ministry to the next level, let's schedule a call to discuss your needs and my Fractional Executive Director service.

I'll help you find the right solution for your ministry and create a plan for your review.

What is a Fractional Executive Director?

A Fractional Executive Director is essentially an Executive Director who serves as part of your leadership team but does not work full-time for your organization.

Instead, they allocate a portion of their time to several organizations, dividing their expertise and services among them. Fractional Executive Directors collaborate with each organization to establish specific goals and responsibilities, utilizing a combination of onsite and remote work to effectively fulfill their duties.

Fractional CEOs and CMOs are frequently found in both non-profit and corporate sectors. By engaging a Fractional Executive Director, your ministry can enjoy the advantages of having an experienced leader while also gaining flexibility in terms of time commitment and resource allocation.

What does a Fractional Executive Director do?

Overall, a Ministry Fractional Executive Director acts as a leader, strategist, and coordinator, ensuring excellence and the smooth functioning of the ministry.

Your ministry is unique. Together, we will assess your specific requirements and determine the best ways for me to support your ministry.  Whether we choose from the following possibilities or create new ones, we'll tailor our approach to meet your ministry's needs.

  • Strategic Leadership: Guiding and planning the overall strategy of your ministry, ensuring a clear direction and purpose.

  • Leadership Team Support: Serving as a valuable member of your leadership team, providing insights and expertise to help drive your ministry forward.

  • Issue Identification and Problem Solving: Identifying potential challenges and resolving them effectively, ensuring smooth operations and improving culture.

  • Leadership and Staff Coaching: Providing guidance and support to your leaders and staff members, helping them develop their skills and maximize their potential.

  • Governance and Policy Development: Ensuring good governance practices by constructing and maintaining policies and procedures that align with your ministry's values and goals.

  • HR Leadership: Assisting with hiring, performance improvement, and, if necessary, the termination of staff members, ensuring you have the right team in place to achieve your ministry's objectives.

  • Communications and Marketing Strategy: Developing effective communication and marketing strategies to help raise awareness, engage your people, and promote your ministry's mission.

  • Budget Planning: Leading the budgeting process, helping you allocate resources wisely and strategically to support your ministry's activities and goals.

  • Board Meetings: Attending board meetings and providing valuable insights and expertise to aid decision-making and enhance governance.

  • Ministry Knowledge and Best Practices: Sharing experience, research, and best practices, keeping your ministry and staff on track.

  • Operational Systems: Creating and managing systems that ensure smooth operations, optimizing efficiency, and enhancing overall productivity.

What needs do you have?